95, Bharathidasan Salai, Cantonment, Trichy, Tamilnadu,India.


We, at eQuadriga, have created a standalone solution for businesses to generate their customer invoices into XRechnung XML files complying with the XRechnung standard. For incoming supplier invoices, the solution converts the invoices from compliant data XML files.

eQ_XRechnung is created with an interface in German and English. Following the EN 16931 standard, eQ_XRechnung specifies the BTs (Business Terms) for the elements in the invoice which are then converted to tags in the XML file. We have marked mandatory BTs in eQ_XRechnung and provided help information about the BT. eQ_XRechnung calculates the tax and invoice amounts so our customers do not have to calculate manually.

eQ_XRechnung operates as a standalone solution on Windows platform. It requires minimal resources and inserts the XML file in the machine’s Downloads folder. eQ_XRechnung generates the XML file in UBL format. It is compliant with XRechnung 3.0.1 version released in February 2024.

e-invoice regulation

Starting 01 January, 2025, the sending and receiving of e-invoices in accordance with EN 16931 will be mandatory for all German B2B transactions. XRechnung is the standard for converting invoice information into an XML data file. The XML data file constitutes an electronic invoice. The standard is maintained by the Coordination Office for IT Standards (KoSIT) on behalf of the IT Planning Council.

This means that starting 01 January, 2025, there will be an obligation to send and receive e-invoices in the following formats in accordance with EN 16931:

– ZUGFeRD: Hybrid format – human-readable PDF/A-3 with embedded XML file in the syntax “Cross-Industry Invoice” (CII)
– XRechnung: XML file in the syntax “Cross-Industry Invoice” (CII)
– XInvoice: XML file in the syntax “Universal Business Language” (UBL)


With eQ_XRechnung, our customers in Germany can now –
– generate their sales invoice XML file in minutes
– view their purchase invoice XML file in a readable format
– comply with EN 16931 standards
– comply with the directive for 01 January, 2025